I Know what your Thinking

Who are we to say we can bridge the gap between generations of people

Well to put it simply we are you! We are all connected whether you want to believe it or not.

and we are looking for truths that when pondered in silence will speak to you.

We are just average humans who got the calling to help other humans on connecting with the people they love. and even those they dont because to help the people around us we need to find common ground.

Could we be wrong? Maybe you know and could help us bridge the gap further.

Truth Seekers. Looking for you.

Who Is Mark Martin?

The answer would be the guy on the left.

However there is a lot more then what meets the eye

And Yes Thats Him in a Tub of Ice.


Mark was born to a Hubert and Dixson Martin in the 1960’s he started his life loving all things athletic wether it be hiking working out, skiing, or anything that could get the addrinaline pumping. On the flip side he was also very introprespective and wanted to get in touch with his inner self beingh raised LDS he always appealed to the commuinty aspect of it but in his core the self reflection was the most important aspect. Little did he know they his search for the truth with have such a profound effect on his relationship with the church making him what most would call a frindge mormon but we perfer to call it a truth seeker.

When he turned 19 he went on a mission for the LDS chruch spreading the word of god and creating fondational practices that would push him trhrough his later years.

Once again you gussed it, hes the man on the left. This image reflects the serious to fun ratio that helped shape marks life wearing a suite ready for businesss but smiling as he did it.


DJs, Producers


He spent his mission in Japan, a place he would go back to at a later point in his journey and would always hold a great place in his heart.

He shared many cultured thoughts and foods with his family and friends as he grew older. Shortly after his mission he meet someone new in his life that would help him move into the next chapter.



I promise im not just chosing pictures that are of mark on the left. It just happens that way.

Regardless he meet Lori-ann Hendrixson and fell in love with her got married in the LDS temple and over the next 15 years had 4 children.

Though this marrage wasnt meant to last. They both still feel love for each other and share a common goal in wanting to make the best life for their kids.

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